Recent Activity

  • volunteer signup
    Peg Maddocks
    wants to volunteer 2021-11-09 11:18:05 -0800
  • endorsement
    Peg Maddocks
    endorsed 2021-11-09 11:17:22 -0800
    I’ve known Joelle since I moved here in 2012 to take the helm of NapaLearns. Our board chair encouraged me to meet with her, since I had no experience running a nonprofit but decades of working in business. She gave me great guidance as she ‘ran Cope like a business.’ Over the years, I’ve admired how Joelle led so many initiatives to help make Napa and its citizens a better community and place to live! She is WELL QUALIFIED to do this job and ‘hit the ground running.’
  • donation
    Peg Maddocks
    donated 2021-11-09 11:19:00 -0800